

If you’re considering an alternative to moisturizers to keep your body glowing and hydrated, then body butter is the answer.

This article will tell you all you need to know about body butter, including some tips on how to use it.

What Is Body Butter?

Before we proceed to the meat of this article, let’s first find out what body butter is. Body butter is a kind of skin moisturizer that is usually a mix of shea butter, coconut oil, other vegetable-based oils, and butters. Body butter has a noticeably thicker consistency than most body lotions and moisturizers. Body butters are stored in jars rather than a bottle is so that you can easily scoop them out and apply them to your body.

Users often prefer body butter because it is effective at nourishing and rejuvenating dry skin, whether used all over or only on problem patches, such as elbows and knees. Dawn Chanel LLC has an amazing body butter collection that is made up of nourishing ingredients such as shea butter and organic coconut. These ingredients are a must-have component in any body butter because of their proven effectiveness in hydrating and moisturizing your skin.

When do You Use Body Butter?

Ideally, you use moisturizers such as body butter during the winter months, when your body is often dry and not hydrated. During these times, body butter will be your skin’s savior and best friend. If you’re already using lotions, then it might be worth your while to make the switch to body butter.

How Do You Use Body Butter?

Now that we’ve talked about what body butter is, let’s proceed to how you should use it.

For maximum effect, we suggest applying body butter after your daily shower or bath. Once you’ve enjoyed your daily shower or bath, pat your body dry with a towel. You don’t have to dry your skin completely; in fact, it’s much better if it’s a little moist.

Then, apply a generous scoop of body butter directly to your skin and gently massage it into the skin using firm, broad strokes until fully absorbed. You don’t have to smother your skin with it the first time as you can always apply another layer throughout the day.

When applying your body butter, put some extra love on your elbows, knees, hands, and feet. These parts of your body, while often overlooked, are the ones prone to dryness. They will certainly appreciate the extra amount of body butter to help them with their nourishment and hydration.

Advice and Tips for Body Butter Enthusiasts

It’s best to apply body butter every after the shower. You can apply body butter once in the day and night, but keep in mind that it attains maximum effect if applied within minutes of showering.

Speaking of showers, we suggest you also take a warm bath. Warm water opens up our pores and helps absorb body butter within the body. Warm not hot water is best. Hot water usually dries out the skin and is thus is counterproductive to our whole goal of hydrating your skin.

Now to your skin. Some of us have naturally oily and while some have dry skin. If you’re one of the former, you do not have to apply body butter daily, 2-3x a week should do. If you have dry skin, then don’t hesitate to apply it daily.

One of the best times to apply body butter is when we sleep. Sleeping is one process where our body naturally recuperates and “heals” itself. Giving our skin the needed boost to rehydrate and rejuvenate helps it go through an intensive overnight moisturizing treatment.

Before you go to sleep, apply body butter on your skin and slowly massage the site for better absorption. You’ll be amazed at how supple your skin will feel the next day.

Smell More Fragrant with Body Butter

Do you know there’s a life hack involving body butter? Body butter is an effective way to make your favorite perfume last on your body longer, as it is made of natural oils. Usually, perfumes last longer if they’re able to stick to something. Body butters form the perfect base on which these oil-based perfumes can latch on.

To boost the effect, you can even find body butters that complement the smell of your perfume.

Dawn Chanel LLC has an amazing body butter line that you should try out. To learn more about body butters, check out our product page or this link.

How to Do A DIY Home Spa

After a long day at work, there’s nothing else you’re thinking about other than spending the rest of the day at a spa. However, who has the time to go to one? With the lingering fear of COVID-19 still around, it’s difficult to go to a spa where your chances of being infected are high.

However, fret not! We got you covered. We at Dawn Chanel realize how important having a spa day is and we came up with this article to let you know that with some of our products and a little bit of creativity, you can make a DIY spa at home!

The good news is that it only involves a few steps.

  • Set the mood

What do you seek to accomplish when going to a spa? To relax? To rejuvenate? To gain back the energy you lost while working on the outside world? All of the above? Doing a DIY spa at home will mean that you have that mindset too! To make this project successful, you have to set the mood. You have to look forward to the fact that even though you’re just at home, you can still achieve the same level of relaxation and peace of mind as if you’re in a real spa.

  • Be creative

You may have visited several spas in your lifetime and each time, you probably wished the establishment did this and that. Well now, you’re in charge! You can go wild with the things you want to do to help you relax and rejuvenate to the fullest!  Maybe you want to try out a body scrub and some bath bombs at the same time. Go ahead!  While you’re at it, light some scented candles so that you can provide a spa experience that will surely titillate your five senses.

  • On to the spa

The first thing on the list is your hair. For this, we suggest you treat it to a deep conditioning treatment. How? Prepare a wide-tooth comb and gently distribute or spread the hair mask or oil evenly. Leave it to bake under a plastic wrap or a turban.

If you have chemically treated hair, or if it’s thin and fragile, you might want to choose a pre-shampoo hair-repair bonding treatment to save you from breakage and costly repairs. If you have dull or dry hair, then you can apply natural oils such as olive or coconut oil. Slather the oil on your hair, make sure it’s dry though as water/moisture repels the oil and renders the whole thing useless.

Finally, if your hair is frizzy or damaged, a super-moisturizing cream mask can smooth strands and restore a healthy look. Creams work best on slightly wet hair. Rinse the hair under the faucet, towel blot to absorb the excess, and then apply.

Once you’re done with your hair, you can then move on to your hands and feet. You can choose to show some love to your nails—file in one direction, on one side to the center, then the other side, and do tips last. At the end of the evening, massage hands and cuticles with a rich hand cream that contains shea butter and botanical oils. Then for your feet, you can give yourself an improvised foot spa – soak them in warm water, give them a little massage, and show your toenails some attention too.

You can then prepare your bath. A warm, steamy bath would be ideal. You can add two cups of mineral salts. Bath salts help reduce the water retention that bloats breasts, tummy, or ankles while it soothes achy muscles.

Then with your favorite rejuvenating face masks and eye masks in hand, step into the bath and just let the warm water wash away your worries and your weariness.

The steps are easy, right? Hope you learned a thing or two about how easy it is to come up with a DIY spa at home. Dawn Chanel LLC has a complete line of beauty essentials that can help you achieve this experience.

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